Mount and blade warband guide to marriage
Mount and blade warband guide to marriage

mount and blade warband guide to marriage

You can find out poems in taverns and there seems to end up being a limitation of five in total.The advantage of relationship is usually that it gives you the capability to hold feasts and enhance your standing. It takes several trips to earthworm your way into a bédchamber ánd it's not really a good idea to hurry.

mount and blade warband guide to marriage

You can perform it in key or you can get her father's permission (occasionally brother). Another new choice in Position Blade: Warband is definitely to woo a female with poetry and get married to her. It is certainly essential you get lords and promote buddies with related ideas or you'll finish up with a unattainable empire. In return, the facility can convert raw material goods into finished product goods that usually have a higher sell.


A Productive Enterprise is a feature in Mount&Blade: Warband that allows a player to build a small industrial facility for a large initial lump-sum plus a weekly maintenance fee. It seems that whenever I go to a town no matter what my relationship with the town is the productive enterprise option does not show up, it is simply omitted from the other options. Hey guys, I've been playing Mount and Blade for years now and this is the first time I've really had a problem. But this comes up when you're searching for 'Warband profitable enterprise.' I think ROI or return on investment only counts when interest is compounding.

mount and blade warband guide to marriage

I would appreciate some tips on what enterprises in which cities are the most profitable. Mount&Blade: Warband » The Guildhall - Warband Discussion » The Warlord's Den - Single Player. Stoning looters unconscious is to be considered here as the first source of income as their gear is of very little worth. Hard enough to start without a horse and a bow. If you just tried Perisno before playing Gekokujo your are in for a surprise.

Mount and blade warband guide to marriage